Events, celebrations and activities
of Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC Parish.
Join us! Every Sunday at 12:30 pm
Patronal Feast Day Celebration June, 2024

Our Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church,
The Most Reverend George R. Lucey and our newly-ordained permanent Deacon Mary Hurley joined in our
Patronal Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus in June, 2024. It was a joyous celebration and an honor for all!
Pastoral Visit of our Presiding Bishop

Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church,
The Most Reverend George R. Lucey
made his first pastoral visit to the brand new parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC on Sunday, December 8, 2013
and was an immediate hit with even the youngest members of our parish community.
Spring Clean-Up
Our Confirmation and First Holy Communion Celebrations Over the Years
This mobile was made for our Pentecost and Confirmation celebrations by parishioner Denise Ganzer. Scott Idec is the Parish Confirmation Coordinator and has done an amazing job over the past several months preparing the candidates. Every member
of the parish participated and played an important part in our Confirmation celebration— from catechesis, to coordinating service
projects,to planning the liturgy, to decorating the sacred space, to participating in the liturgy and providing hospitality and
refreshments—everyone had a part. It was truly a community celebration!
Confirmation Class 2024
Myalei Garzon
Jhomaly Pardo Franco
Danna Valentina Jadan
First Holy Communion 2024
Melissa Jamileth Sanchez
Your faith journey continues!
Receive the Holy Spirit!
Confirmation Class 2017
Congratulations Chris, Sean, Santiago, Kelly and Alexandra
Confirmation Class 2014
Congratulations Linnea, Catherine, Ryan, James, and Rachael (with Fr.Vincent)
Palm Sunday Celebrations
Palm Sunday 2017
Palm Sunday 2016
Palm Sunday 2014
The Blessing of the Palms took place out on Frank E. Rodgers Blvd followed by a procession of the clergy and the people.
Hossana! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Easter Sunday Celebrations
Easter Sunday 2017
Easter Sunday 2014

The people of Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC joined with their sisters and brothers of Christ Church to celebrate a
Festival Eucharist of the Lord’s Resurrection.
Father Vincent McTighe, ANCC was principal celebrant and homilist, Deacon Erik Soldwedel, pastor of Christ Church also presided and Fr. Paul Gulya, ANCC was organist and Minister of Music.
The Eucharistic Liturgy was followed by a reception and Easter Egg Hunt for the young people.
Special Celebrations and Events
Bishop George visits Kearny, March 2017
Christmas Eve Mass December, 2016
Father Vincent and the “Mitten Tree” November, 2016
Sacred Heart Parish 3rd Anniversary
Sunday October, 2016
Sunday, August, 2016
Father’s Day Blessings 2016
First Mass of Thanksgiving
Father Bernardo Cardona

Ordination to the Priesthood
Father Bernardo Cardona
Blessing of the Animals
In anticipation of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, on October 1, 2023, Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC sponsored the Blessing of the Animals on the lawn and in the lower Church, where we worship at 380 Kearny Avenue, Kearny. It was a wonderful afternoon and All Creatures Great and Small gathered to be blessed and to receive some treatsl
Jersey City Pride
Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC Parish had a booth and
Father Paul offered blessings to any who wished to receive one. Well over 100 people asked for a blessing.
It was a glorious day— the weather was perfect,
the Holy Spirit was present, hearts were touched.
The event organizers came to Father Paul and told him how touched they were seeing people receive blessings and that prayer was a part of their event.
Take a quick tour with us!
Town of Kearny Tree lighting with Grace Methodist
and Bishop George, December,2015
All Saints Day Children’s Mass
November, 2015
with Fun, Food, and Fellowship Following!
On Trinity Sunday, 2015, the combined communities of
Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC
Christ Church Episcopal, Harrison
Trinity Episcopal, Kearny
hosted the
Incarnation Gospel Choir
at our combined Ecumenical Eucharist.
The Spirit of the previous Sunday’s celebration of Pentecost was carried forward
and the people and the clergy, led by the choir—-
We made a procession through the neighborhood singing–
“He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”
We gave witness to the Gospel’s message of salvation in Christ and
everyone heard in their own tongue!
God’s Love is the Universal Language!
Jammin’ For Jesus!

was held on a Sunday afternoon in March
and everyone who played an instrument or liked to sing was invited to come and
“make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”
A dozen people came and had a wonderful afternoon of impromptu playing, singing and harmonizing.
On Ash Wednesday, 2014 Fr. Paul, along with the clergy of Christ Church, went to the Harrison PATH station
during the height of the morning commute and imposed ashes on the foreheads of any who wished to receive them.
Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC strives be be out in the community, among the people; following the example of Jesus Christ.
That evening at 7:00 pm the parishioners gathered for Ash Wednesday Eucharist and imposition of ashes.
“SOUPER SUNDAY” February, 2014

The members of Sacred Heart ANCC brought canned soup to Mass
which was placed at the altar and afterwards donated to a local Soup Kitchen
Sacred Heart of Jesus American National Catholic Church at Grace Methodist
Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC worships at
Grace United Methodist Church,
380 Kearny Ave., Kearny, NJ 07032